Sunday, August 16, 2009

Epiq sends out claim forms

Epiq has started sending out claim forms and guidelines to Nortel creditors. On Friday 14th August 2009, I received 3 sets of forms from Epiq. Each one was identified with a schedule number. I checked on the docket 801 on the Epiq website and could only find one of the numbers listed with my name and address so I assume that is the claim I should complete. I will be checking with Epiq on Monday to find out why they sent three different claim forms.

Each package had a form listed Section 503(b)(9) Claim Request Form, a bar coded Proof of Claim form, and a guideline pamphlet.

If you believe you have a claim and you have not received a package you should check docket number 801 on the Epiq website (see links on right hand column of this page), and call Epiq to make sure your claim is listed on the docket and that you receive the bar coded proof of claim form.

At this point I am unsure as to whether claims may be made for health care, life insurance, and long term care. Calculation of claims such as these is very complicated. Non-qualified pension claims that were being paid as annuities are also quite complicated. You will need to deal with actuarial tables and interest rates to determine the amount and it may be necessary to obtain professional help to determine the amount.

Another point that is still unclear is the process in the case of dispute by Nortel on the amount for your specific claim.

As things become clearer I will publish what I find out on this web site.

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